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wed 6 dec 2006 22:00 hrs

Early music by Ferruccio Busoni

In this hour you will hear two pieces that Busoni wrote during his 24th and 30th year of age.
1. Konzertstück for piano and orchestra, op.31a. Jean-Francois Antonioli (piano), Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne led by Lawrence Foster.
2. Violin concert in D major.t., op.35a. Adolf Busch (violin), Concertgebouworkest led by Bruno Walter.
3. Pieces for piano op.3, nos. 1, 2, 4. Ira Maria Witoschynskyj (piano).
4. Nocturne Symphonique. Radio Symphonie Orchester Berlin led by Gerd Albrecht. 

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