Thunder, Lightening and Moonshine | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Thunder, Lightening and Moonshine

sat 3 may 2008 20:00 hrs

About Weather and Astronomy in music. With as connecting thread the life and works of the 18th century astronomer, musician and composer Sir William Herschel. Episode 83.

1. Tsjaikovski/arr. A. Gauk. The seasons, opus 37b, V May (May nights). 
Detroit Symphony Orchestra led by Neeme Järvi. 
2. Joep Franssens. Harmony of the Spheres. Dutch chamber choir. Tallinn chamber orchestra 
led by Tõnu Kaljuste. 
3. Sir William Herschel. Sonata in D, opus 4 no 4. Invocation led by Timothy Roberts.

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