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The Old Music Box

thu 23 apr 2009 20:00 hrs

Muzika Česká, early music from the Czech Republic and Poland, part 1. With music from 12th, 15th and 17th-century Prague; the first half of the 17th-century music piece ‘Loutna česká’ (‘The Czech lute’) by Adam Václav Michna, and 18th-century music by František Tůma.

1. Prague liturgical chanting (12th to 15th centuries).
– Cantio: Hac nube irrorante.
– Introit: Rorate celi desuper.
– Trope de Benedicamus Domine: Virga Yesse floruit.
– Cantio: Nobis est natus hodie de pura virgine.
– Repons et trope, office de St. Venceclas: Castus mente corpore / Preclaris.
– Motet: Surrexit Christus/ Angelus/ Christus/ Terra tremuit.
Discantus led by Brigitte Lesne.
(ZZT 060601, 2006)
2. Carl Luython (1557/8-1620).
Missa Basim:
– Kyrie.
– Gloria.
– Credo.
– Sanctus.
– Angus Dei.
Cipriano de Rore (1515/16-1565)/ R. Rogniono (ca.1550-1620).
Ancor che co’l partire.
Gabriele Fatorini (fl.1598-1609).
Jacob Regnart (1540/45-1599).
Wiewol sich vil.
– Nun sih ich mich.
Fraternitas Litteratorum led by Martin Horyna.
(Supraphon Music SU 3898-2, 2007)
3. Adam Václav Michna (ca.1600-1676).
‘Loutna česká‘ (The Czech lute), part 1.
– Intrada.
– I. Proloog (Prologue).
– II. Keuze van de Spirituele Bruid (Choice of the Spiritual Bride).
– III. De Deugden van de glorierijke Moeder Gods (The Virtues of the glorious Mother Gods).
– IV. De Trouwring (The Wedding Ring).
– V. Maagdelijke Liefde (Virginal Love).
– VI. De Wereld loslaten (Letting go of the World).
Ritornello led by Michael Pospísil.
(ARTA Records, F1 0075-2, 1996)
4. František Tůma (1704-1774).
Stabat Mater a 4 voci e basso continuo.
– Stabat Mater dolorosa.
– O quam tristis.
– Quis est homo.
– Pro peccatis.
– Vidit suum dulcem natum.
– Eja Mater.
– Sancta Mater.
– Fac me tecum.
– Virgo Virginum.
– Christe, cum sit hinc exire.
– Fac ut animae donetur.
Currende led by Erik van Nevel.
(ACCENT 95108 D)
5. František Tůma.
Partita in A minor.
– Allegretto.
– Andante.
– Allegro.
– Largo.
– Menuet.
Antiquarius Consort Praga led by Václav Návrat.
(ARTA Records, F10093, 2006)

František Tůma

Special thanks to Dirkjan Horringa.

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