za 16 jul 2011 13:00 uur
Genre: Renaissance
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Giovanni Felice Sances | Henry Purcell | Johann Joseph Fux | Robert King
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Giovanni Felice Sances | Henry Purcell | Johann Joseph Fux | Robert King
Religieuze muziek uit de Barok. Purcell en Sances.
1. Henry Purcell.
– In thee, o Lord, do I put my trust. Z16.
James Bowman, countertenor. Mark Padmore, tenor. Michael Georg, bas. The King’s Consort olv. Robert King.
2. Henry Purcell.
– I was glad.
– O consider my adversity Z.32.
– Beati omnes qui timent Dominum Z.131.
– Jubilate Deo in Bes-groot, Z.230.
The King’s Consort olv. Robert King.
3. Giovanni Felice Sances.
– O Jesu mi dulcissime.
Johann Joseph Fux.
– Magnificat.
Arsys Bourgogne en L’Arpeggiata olv. Pierre Cao.
4. Johann michael Zächer.
– Confitebor tibi.
Joahnn Georg Reinhardt.
– Laudate pueri.
Arsys Bourgogne en L’Arpeggiata olv. Pierre Cao.