…….. muziek van een andere planeet. Een veelzijdig en alternatief programma met veelal onbekende muziek. (aflevering #78).
1. Clare and the Reasons. Pluto-tune. (Muldaur/Manchon). Fargo FR21151.
2. Gavin Friday. The Sun and the Moon and the Stars. (idem).
(album: Catholic). Rubyworks RWXCD76.
3. Bachelorette. Generous Spectre. (idem).
(album: idem). Souterrain Transmissions. Sou024P.
4. Underground Railroad. The Orchid’s Curse. (idem).
(album: Russion Doll). One Little Indian Rec.1099TP7CDP.
5. Beirut. Santa Fe. (idem).
(album: The Rip Tide). Pompeii Records 372.
6. Mergrim. Step Of The Flakes. (T. Mitsumori).
(album: Invisible Landscape). Liquid Note Rec.LNR011/Moph Rec.MCD005.
7. Maggie Björklund. Vildspor. (idem).
(album: Coming Home). Bloodshot rec./promo bertus.
8. Silent Feature Era. The Horsebreaker (C. Cathcart).
(album: This old leather heart). +1 rec.-31.
9. The Vegetable Orchestra. Malang. (idem).
(album: Onionoise). Transacoustic research TRES008.
10. fDELUXE. Over the Canyon. (idem).
(album: Gaslight). MIG-music MIG 80042 CD.
11. Birds that change colour. Sunny Sides Of Me. (Koen Kohlbacher).
(album: On Recording The Sun and the Moon). Munich Rec. MRCD329.
12. Electric Orange. Auslauf. (idem).
(album: Netto). Sulatron ST 1102.
13. Sia Tolno. Blamah Blamah. (idem).
(album: My Life). Lusafrioca 562683/Coastcompany.
14. Aurelio Martinez. Tili Bugudura. (idem/trad.).
(album: the rough guide to the world playtime). Rough Trade. RGNET 1256.
15. Kudsi Erguner. Zikr. (excerpt). (idem/trad).
(album: the rough guide to sufi music). Rough Trade RGNET1262.
16. Raoul Sanier. Ouverture 5. (idem).
(album: Guilty Cloaks). Ad Noiseam and 146. Excel96273.
17. Tindersticks. Piano music. (tindersticks).
(album: Falling down a mountain). 4ADCAD 3X02.