Folk magazine about past and present, from freak folk to minstrels. This time attention for the Belgian label Morc. With music of Edgar Wappenhalter, Boduf Songs, Soccer Committee, Annelies Monseré and more.
We can better change the name of this Folk It! to Folk It! Extreme. We search for the -sometimes extreme- corners of -modern- folk music. Apparently this has to be accompanied with a label. Literally and figuratively. Names like drone folk, rural folk, experimental folk, dark folk etc. And is it even folk?
We will cause a stir and confront you as a listener with…. the label MORC. IN 1999 Wim Lecluyse alias Circle Brothers was looking for a way to sell his music. He started his own label for initially only tape distribution. Three year later the first vinyl and CD releases appeared. No longer only of the Circle Brothers, because before he knew it Lecluyse was a real bigwig in the record industry by releasing works of fellow musicians. That ‘bigwig’ is also a aphorism: the democratic, own control, creative process and choices of the musicians is guaranteed at Morc.