#10. Een programma over onafhankelijke geluidskunst, radiofonische projecten en andere audio-non-visuele misverstanden en vondsten.
Dr Klang Jingle
Radia Jingle
Yaris AM 153, 225 and 116 door Cedric Stevens en Vidar Martens
Dr Klang Jingle
Hedging the future door IG Sterben
Radia Jingle
Dr Klang Jingle
Dr Klang jingles gemaakt door Xentos Fray Bentos, Henk Bakker & Lukas Simonis
Extra info over de stukken;
Radia 439: Yaris AM 153, 225 and 1611
by Cedric Stevens and Vidar Martens
What you hear is a field recording taken from the inside of a Toyota Yaris, driving through the city centre of Oslo in 2010.
The radio is being changed between the different AM frequencies 153, 225 and 1611 at a high volume. Since AM frequencies is poorly supported in Norway, the Yaris picks up mainly electromagnetic signals from the surroundings like the tram, hospital or its own engine, instead of ordinary radio transmission from radio broadcasts.
The Toyota Yaris works like a vehicle for translating nonperseptive surroundings to sound, as well as transporting passangers. This creates an exploratory AM soundscape of central Oslo.
(produced by Radio Nova)
Radia 440: Hedging the Future
by IG sterben
In 2012 I Max Höfler bought some guns for an Austrian art association called Forum Stadtpark. The purchase of these guns established a situation that focuses on the most abstract entity we do have in our today society and that concerns us all: Money and all these financial issues that are considered as the basic structure of our society. To experience this abstract relation between the finance and us I transformed it into a concrete situation.
To understand the situation which I wanted to establish with this purchase, you have to know three things:
1.) The Forum Stadtpark spent a lot of money on these rifles: 10.000¤.
2.) These guns still work. That means that you can still use them and that they had already been used before.
3.) The value of these rifles will rise because they aren’t produced any longer and have become rare. So they are some kind of a financial investment for the Forum Stadtpark as well.
After I bought these guns, I put them into a vitrine in the foyer of the Forum Stadtpark where they still are as an sort of permanent virulent inventory that questions how we can get out of this paradoxical situation.
Now in 2013 three artist Andreas Heller, Johannes Schrettle and me (Max Höfler) want to transform this situation into a new form: into some sort of a performance called ³IG Sterben². This performance is subtitled as a musical. Andreas Heller will act as nature in a wheelchair, Johannes Schrettle as love in a jogging suit and me as immanent danger. Furthermore we will form a no band band called ³IG Sterben². Our first rehearsal will be directly at the performance.
In this radia show you will get an insight of this transformational process and you will somehow get to know, what all these things may have in common.
(produced by Radio Helsinki)