Radio Music essay | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Music essay

sun 2 feb 2014 14:00 hrs

Theme: Tears

  • Jammer is mir entsprungen – anonynmous around 1000 DC / Studio Laren
  • Non posc sofrir e’a la dolor – Guiraut de Borneilh / Sequintia
  • Hor che’l ciel e la terra – Claudio Monteverdi / Charioscuro and London Baroque
  • Three parts from Una Odissea – Guido Morini / Marco Beasley and The Dutch Wind Ensemble
  • Il Centurione, forse – procession and traditional song and
  • Lamentu a Ghjesu – N. Aquaviva / Marco Beasley
  • Corpus Christi  and Sevilla – Isaac Albeniz / Esteban Sanchez
  • Mourning song from the Bulgarian Ortodox Liturgy / Choir directed by Miroslav Popsavov
  • Lo ferm voler qu’el cor m’intra – Arnaut Daniel / Benjamin Bagby

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