#34. A program with independent sound-art, radiophonic projects and other audio-non-visual misunderstandings.
Frameworkradio: 20130505.
This edition of framework:afield, entitled dirty tracks, has been produced in Germany by Stefan Paulus. Stefan writes about the process of piecing this work together from his psychogeographic drifts:
// this show is dedicated to the unknown musicians I have recorded over the past years during what guy debord describes as ‘dérives’ or ‘psychogeographic drifts’: the experimental exploration of the environment through coincidence and other methods to disturb your normal behavior or motivations as a pedestrian or car driver. Drifting is the search for an ecstatic moment or ‘ecstatic truth’, like werner herzog says. If I get on a track – I try to document what I find //
// sometimes I had to borrow a cellphone, or I used a crappy digital cam to record // that’s why this show isn´t a high-end surround sound field report // this radio show is about these ecstatic moments // for example: I followed people to a bar in Hungary … and some solo entertainer is playing … people drink beer and dance // I walked through a block party and ended up in a street riot … people dance to reggae music and you hear bottles shattering on police cars // you will hear music from some gatherings, a powwow, Indonesian rituals, music from a record shop in Turkey, from hippy parties or bonfire music in the mid-west //
// some of these records are done before GPS was in every technical instrument … that´s why this show isn´t a sound-mapping cartography // most of the time I don’t even know what the people are singing about and I don´t know the names of the bands – if they even have names // sometimes I can’t locate the places anymore, because the goal of psychogeography is to get lost, and to create an altering reality //
For more information see: http://psychogeography.blogsport.de
Jingles by Henk