Episode 162. Each workday a programme about the oeuvre of the great master Johann Sebastian Bach with host Joop van Zijl and producer Govert Jan Bach. This week special attention for the St John Passion.
From St John Passion, Version 1725:
1. Ach windet euch nicht so, geplagte Seelen
2. Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen until Mein teurer Heiland, lass mich fragen
3. Und siehe da until ending chorale
Machteld Baumans, soprano. Maarten Engeltjes, altus. Marcel Beekman, tenor. Mattijs van de Woerd, tenor. Frans Fiselier, bass. Concerto d’Amsterdam and La Furia conducted by Nico van der Meel, evangelist
(Quintone Q 8001)
Photo: Maarten Engeltjes (photographer: Marco Borggreve)
Any remarks? Please email them to bach@concertzender.nl