tue 16 dec 2014 00:00 hrs
Besides 17th century North-German dance suites, works by Kapsberger, Peri, Rossi, Samaniego, Crusell, Susman & Nordgren.
00:00 17th century North-German dance suites by Christian Flor en Dietrich Becker.
Musica Poetica under the direction of Jörn Boysen.
01:00 17th century Italian love songs by Girolamo Kapsberger, Jacopo Peri, Luigi Rossi, Alessandro Ghivizzani a.o.
02:00 Joseph Ruiz Samaniego (around 1653–1670). Toccatas and villancicos:
03:10 Lauden: Morning Prayer at Glenstal Abbey.
04:10 Bernhard Henrik Crusell. Clarinet concerts.
05:20 William Susman Film Music for "Fate of the Lhapa".
06:00 Pehr Henrik Nordgren Taivaanvalot.