…….. muziek van een andere planeet. Een veelzijdig en alternatief programma met veelal onbekende muziek. (aflevering #155).
01. Clare and the Reasons. Pluto-tune. (Muldaur/Manchon). Fargo FR21151.
02. Adrian Crowley. Some Blue Morning.
(album: idem). Chemikal Underground/PCHEM212CD.
03. Bishop Allen. Black Hole.
(album: Lights Out).
04. Bishop Allen. Why I Had To Go.
(album: Lights Out).
05. Fugazi. Merchandise. Promo.
06. Spectres. Where Flies Sleep.
(album: Dying).
07. Django Django. First Light. Promo.
08. Luluc. Senja.
(album: Passerby), Sub pop SP 1090.
09. Kishi Bashi. Philosophize In It! Chemicalize With it!.
(album: Lighght).
10. Woods. Full Moon.
(album: With Light and with Love). Woodsist 072.
11. Arca. Sheep. Promo.
12. My Brightest Diamond. This is my hand. (Worden).
(album: This is my hand). Asthmatic Kitty Records.
13. Tindersticks. Piano Music. (Tindersticks).
(album: Falling down a mountain). 4ADCAD 3X02. (Eindtune).