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fri 8 may 2015 10:00 hrs

New releases of the label PENTATONE will be highlighted here and you can win the CDs as well!

!. Gustav Mahler – part four: Seht behaglich
‘Wir geniessen die himmliche Freuden’ from symfonie no. 4
Elizabeth Watts, soprano; Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest Marc Albrecht.
2. Franz Liszta – Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa, b. Petrarca Sonnetten nr. 47,  104 en 123.
Wilhelm Kempff, piano
3. Dmitri Sjostakovich – part 1: Allegretto from: Symfonie no. 7 ‘Leningrad’ in C-maj op.6
National Orchestra of Russia cond. by Paavo Järvi

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