Het programma voor experimenteel, avant-garde, industrial, ambient en electronics.
01. Soft Cell – A Man Could Get Lost.
Non Stop Ecstatic Dancing. Some Bizzare. 1982.
02. Johannes Heil – Bittersuss.
Electronation; Are You Part Of It?. Boudisque. 2003.
03. Roy Avni – Horz.
04. Lydia Lunch – Master Alchemist (Solvent version)
12". Echoism. 2009.
05. Roy Avni Kink FM Electronation promo.
06. Solvent – My Radio.
V/A Lektroluv 5. 541. 2004.
07. Soft Cell – Monoculture (Solvent remix)
V/A Electronation; Are You Part Of It? Boudisque. 2003.
08. Mia Zabelka & Philippe Petit – Mia’s Ghost.
09. Flying Saucer Attack – III.
Instrumentals 2015. Domino. 2015.
10. Perfect Mother – Dark-Disco-Da-Da-Da-Da-Run.
7" Youll No So Wit. Vanity. 1980.
11. Prurient – Christ Among The Broken Glass.
Frozen Nuagara Falls. Profound Lore. 2015.
12. PGR – Alice In Wondertime/Time Reprise.
Cyclone Par L’Immobile Habite. Silent. 1988.
13. Leiche Rustikal – L7sd.
V/A Heilige Feuer 6. Der Angriff. 2009.
14. TV Victor – Der Kern-Teil 1 (Excerpt)
Der Kern; Das Fukushima Konzert. Seperated Beats. 2015.
15. Tunnels Of AH – Saint Peter Ha-Satana.
Thus Avici. Cold Spring. 2015.
16. :Golgatha: – Icarus.
Kydos; Reflections On Heroism. Athanor. 2005.