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Contemporary music

fri 4 mar 2016 17:00 hrs

230 Volt. Contemporary Electronic Music #36. Music by Chi – Kuhl, Orphax, Kevin Drumm and Modelbau.

1. Chi – Kuhl. (Banabila, Michel / van Oosterom, Hanyo / Derwort, Koos / Cramer, Willem). 6:43.
CD: The Original Recordings. Staalplaat/Container/CM001.
2. Orphax – Time Waves. (Van Erve, Sietse). 20:36.
CD: Time Waves. Moving Furniture Record/MFR030.
3. Kevin Drumm – Intro.  (Drumm, Kevin). 07:53.
File: Interference. Not on label-Self released/none.
4. Modelbau – Four Squared Wheel. (de Waard, Frans). 23:22.
CD:  AFour Squared Wheel. Moving Furniture Records/MFR029.

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