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Panorama De Leeuw

thu 5 jan 2017 17:00 hrs

Panorama de Leeuw XXVI, 4 January 2017: Headwind (2)

Thea Derks is following the musical career of Reinbert de Leeuw by means of her biography  Reinbert de Leeuw, mens of melodie

Through time Reinbert de Leeuw has increasingly become an near inevitable factor in the Dutch national world of music. A headwind was to be expected. In 1987 the Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, a local newspaper, put him on a list of ‘art popes’ and two years later musical journalist Luc Knödler questioned his alleged omnipotence in the anthology The Cultuur-elite van Nederland.

Knödler aims at the alleged power abuse of De Leeuw towards his former compagnion Peter Schat, upon whom a capping was imposed by the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst, because of his disappointing development as a composer. Schat sees this as a personal vendetta by president De Leeuw, who looks down upon the neo-romantic path Schat had taken.

A huge commotion comes about, in which almost all Dutch media takes De Leeuw’s side. Only Henk de By, of HP magazine, sides with Knödler, while Peter Schat accuses the music journalist of citing a phone conversation without his permission.

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  1. Peter Schat. De Hemel.

Radio FPhilharmonic Orchestra conducted by Hans Vonk.

  1. Hans Kox. Suite from Dorian Gray.

Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Porcelijn.

Compilation, host and recording: Thea Derks.

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