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Concertzender Live

mon 20 feb 2017 20:00 hrs
Composer: Terry Riley

Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender (Contemporary Music).

Terry Riley.

This broadcast is completely devoted to Terry Riley, who in 2016 did a small tour through Europe with his son Gyan, The first stop was TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht. You will hear recordings of this, now legendary, concert.

1. Terry Riley. Song from the Old Country (1980).
2. Terry Riley. G-Song (1980).
3. Terry Riley. Ebony Horns (1990).
Terry Riley: vocals, piano. Gyan Riley: electric guitar
4. Terry Riley. Diego, el Rey de la Noche Valenciana (2013).
Gyan Riley: Spanish guitar
5. Terry Riley. Emerald Runner (from Atlantis Nath (2002).
Terry Riley: vocals, piano. Gyan Riley: electric guitar, vocals.
6. Gyan Riley. Folk Song (2013).
Terry Riley: melodica. Gyan Riley: Spanish guitar
7. Terry Riley. Canabis (2016 EP).
Terry Riley: vocals, piano. Gyan Riley: electric guitar, vocals.
8. Terry Riley. Selections from Salome Dances for Peace (1985-86).
Terry Riley: piano. Gyan Riley: electric guitar.
Live recording by Kees van de Wiel on 20 September 2016 in TivoliVredenburg Hertz in Utrecht.

9. Terry Riley. Sunrise of the Planetary Dream Collector (1980).
Ethel: Ralph Farris, Dorothy Lawson: violin. Kip Jones: viola. Tema Watstein: cello.
Live recording by Wijnand de Groot on 8 November 2012 in Music Centre de Toonzaal in ’s-Hertogenbosch.

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