Rush Hour | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Rush Hour

fri 3 aug 2018 18:00 hrs
Genre: Third Stream
Composer: Rolf Liebermann

Today’s Music by Today’s Composers. In the Concertzender’s programming the High North cools you down during the heated Friday rush hour. A programme where classical music accelerates, jazz passes you on the right and string quartets get in lane and where big bands join and leave the traffic.

 Helge Sunde – Rotations

Noors Radio Orkest led by Rolf Gupta
CD: “Rotations” – Aurora, ACD 5033


 Rolf Liebermann – Furioso for Orchestra

 Rolf Liebermann – Concert for Jazzband & Orchestra

Philharmonic Orchestra Bremen led by Simon Nabatov
NDR BigBand led by. Rachael Tovey
CD: “Rolf Liebermann” – Naxos, 8.555.884


 Hans Koller – The Horses

The International Brass Company led by Hans Koller
CD: “The Horses!” – Bellaphon, CDLR 711020


 Terje Rypdal – sampler

Terje Rypdal, electric guitar

CD: “Terje Rypdal, Selected Recordings” – details via Discogs

Produced & presented by:
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