Traditional-classical music from India. India’s maestro or melody. Doreswamy Iyengar.
RAAG MARWA. A raga for the time of sunset. This raga has, as the name implies, its origins in the Indian province of Marwar. The sitar player Nikhil Banerjee is accompanied by Swapan Chaudhuri on tabla and Ratan Mukherjee on tampoura. 43’12 min.
CD. India’s maestro or melody; vol.3 (2000).
Label: Chhanda Dhara, Code: SNCD 70600.
A composition with the title Chintaya Makanda. Played by Doreswamy Iyengar. 15’30 min.
CD. Maestro’s choice: veena: vol.1
Label: Music Today (1995), code: CDC 91014.
Production: Cobie Ivens
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