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Musicians Corner

mon 13 may 2019 22:00 hrs
Composer: Michiel Scheen

Oscar Jan Hoogland (Amsterdam, 1983), works as an improvisor, pianist and composer in Amsterdam. He usually plays piano, but during his concerts he also uses the synthesizer, electric clavichord, guitar, slot machine, turntable, vocals and toys.

He has worked on projects with, among others, improvisational trio Eke, the psychedelic Turkish band sixty nine AY, the phonograph Orchestra, the Ambushg party, Sylla Hoogland and Rosaly and Practical Music as well as with percussionist Han Bennink.

With his music he aims to reach new and different target audiences and he is constantly looking for renewed settings together with artists from various disciplines. Currently his project ‘the second stop is Jupiter’ takes place every month at de Ruimte in Amsterdam Noord, and together with the Doekcollectief he organises the Doekfestival.


– Monk; Raise Four
– The Ambush Party; Rehearsing the clown act
– Michiel Scheen (pi), Ab Baars (ri), Ernst Glerum (bs) and Han Bennink (dr); Similarities, This time, it will last
– Keith Jackson (ts), Michael Avery (dr) Joshua Abrahams (bs); These Things Happen
– Oscar Jan Hoogland (pi), Christian Lilinger (dr), Jasper Stadhouders (guitar); Practical Music
– Schubert; sonata in A for piano D595, performed by Stanley Hoogland, fortepiano
– Chris Corstens (ts) Harold Autsbø (5-string cello) Martin van Heusden (dr) Oscar Jan Hoogland (pi); Junglebumps, Fluxt

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