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The String Quartet

sun 10 nov 2019 14:00 hrs
Composers: Hermann Goetz | Leo Samama

When Hermann Goetz (1840-1876) died at the age of 35, he left twenty-four numbered compositions plus a dozen unnumbered works. A small but very high-quality oeuvre.

His String Quartet in B flat, which was written in Winterthur (Switzerland) and completely revised in 1866, remained untouched and without opus number until … 1990. A remarkable work!


Without a doubt, String Quartet in D major, Opus 63 from 1888 must be Niels Gade’s most important string quartet, which was incorrectly indicated as his first quartet on the title page … It was his last!


Hermann Goetz – String Quartet in B flat, 1863/r.1866

1. Mässig bewegt, 2. Sehr ausdrucksvoll, aber nicht zu langsam, 3. Menuett, leicht und lebendig, 4. Mässig rasch

Performed by: Winterthur Streichquartett

CD: Jecklin Edition

Niels Gade – String Quartet in D major, opus 63, 1889

1. Allegro moderato, 2. Allegro vivace, 3. Andante poco lento, 4. Finale. Allegro con brio

Performed by: Copenhagen String Quartet

CD: DaCapo


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