Italy’s musical heritage is very broad, strong and ancient, just like the traditions of its many cities, regions, mountain ranges and islands. Today’s music is also very lively, dynamic and extremely varied. And so our journey through space and time in Italy will continue the coming months. Always with the best quality of music that we can offer. Episode 32: Luigi Cinque Hypertext O’rchestra
1 Tangerine cafè* 7:49
2 Coro meccanico* 9:11
3 Garritm – Core Amante* 6:58
4 Radiobaladid* 5:20
5 Ararat* 8:20
6 Luna reverse (reprise)** 7:42
7 Rumore del sale*** 4:20
8 Transeuropae Hotel San’a (instrumental)*** 5:48
9 Flamenco stanco*** 2:28
* Tangerine Cafè, Luigi Cinque Tarantula Hypertext O’rchestra ( Forest Hill 2002)
** Luna reverse, Luigi Cinque Hypertext O’rchestra , (EMI/MFR 2009)
*** Transeuropa Hotel, Luigi Cinque Hypertext O’rchestra, (Warner Chape Publishing/MRF 2012)