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Roaming the Renaissance

sat 24 oct 2020 10:00 hrs

Music from the 15th and 16th century. A musical homage to the singers Claudio Cavina and Daniele Carnovich, who both died recently.

On 30 August 2020, the Italian singer Claudio Cavina, also leader of the madrigal ensemble La Venexiana, passed away. And, on 21 September 2020 Daniele Carnovich died. He had been the bass in this ensemble for many years.
In this episode, we play recordings of ensemble La Venexiana as an homage to these two artists.

Giaches de Wert (1535-1596)
Ottavo Libro de Madrigali, 1586:
1. Giunto alla tomba
2. Vezzosi augelli infra le verdi fronde
3. Qual musico gentil, prima che chiara

Daniele Carnovich (©DR resultat)

Luca Marenzio (ca 1553-1599)
Sesto Libro de Madrigali, 1594:
4. Clori nel mio partire
5. Ah, dolente partita!
6. Mentre qual viva pietra
7. Clori mia, Clori dolce
Nono Libro de Madrigali, 1599:
8. Parto o non parto
9. Crudele, acerba
10. La bella man vi stringo

Sigismondo d’India (ca 1582-ca 1629)
Primo Libro de Madrigali, 1606:
11. Intenerite voi, lagrime mie
12. Cruda Amarilli
13. Cor mio, deh, non languire
14. Che non t’ami, cor mio
15. Felice chi vi mira

La Venexiana conducted by Claudio Cavina, countertenor
(CD: “L’arte del madrigale” – Glossa GCD 920930, 2016)

Andrea Gabrieli (1533-1585)
16. O belli e vaghi pizzi
Roberto Loreggian, harpsichord
(CD: “Complete Keyboard Music” – Brilliant Classics 94432, 2015)

Picture at the top: Claudio Cavina

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