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sat 27 feb 2021 22:00 hrs
Composer: Jorn Swart

Jorn Swart

In today’s edition of JazzNotJazz, We have New York based dutch pianist and composer Jorn Swart with us. Jorn is about to release a new album with his project Malnoia while his other project Doeke has gotten exponentially popular by having over 8 million plays on just Spotify. Even though both of Jorn’s projects are poles apart from each other, they represent a sophisticated compositional style, and a vision of a true artist.


Later on show Jorn will be dialing in to tell more about both his projects and his musical jorney so far.


  1. Amsterdam in Grey
  2. A Day in the Life of Boriz  (Part II)
  3. Elefante Triste
  4. The Return of The Snow Bunnies (In Slow Motion)
  5. Meditation in C
  6. Vogeltrek
  7. Morgen
  8. Sprankel
  9. Tears in Rain
  10. DemocrApp
  11. Prelude to Singularity
  12. New Religion
  13. The Last Snowstorm


For more information, go to www.jornswart.com


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