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Sound the Trumpet, Strike the Viol!

Early Music expert Kees Koudstaal serves up the most wonderful and recent classical and Early Music CD’s

This time new CDs of Voces Suaves, Les Récréations, Capella Vocalis & Pulchra Musica Baroque, and the Neumeyer Consort.

1. Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
– ‘Musicalische Exequien’ Opus 7, part I
Performed by: Voces Suaves conducted by Johannes Strobl
(CD: ‘Musicalische Exequien’, Arcana, no. A483, 2021)

2. Francesco Scarlatti (1666-1741)
– Sonate a quattro IX in e-kl.
Performed by: Les Récréations
(CD: ‘Sonate a quattro’, Ricercar, no. RIC 421, 2021)

3. Christoph Graupner (1683-1760)
– Cantate ‘Die Frucht des Gerechten’ GWV 1126/33
Performed by: Sebastian Hübner, tenor. Johannes Hill, bass. Jan Jerlitschka, contratenor. Capella Vocalis and Pulchra Musica Baroque conducted by Christian Bonath
(CD: ‘Easter Cantatas’, Capriccio, no. C5411, 2021)

4. Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689-1755)
– Concerto in E minor, Op. 37 no. 6
Performed by: Neumeyer Consort conducted by Felix Koch
(CD: ‘Trios, Quartets & Concerto’, Christophorus, no. CHR 77450, 2021)

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