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Series Jordi Savall

thu 22 apr 2021 21:00 hrs

Series about and with Catalan gambist and conductor Jordi Savall. L’Orfeo part 2. In this episode, we’ll continue sharing more parts of Monteverdi’s famous opera L’Orfeo, favola in musica. It’s the story in which Orpheus goes to the Underworld to bring back his wife Euridice, who was struck by a lethal snake bite.

Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
From L’Orfeo, favola in musica:
1 Atto primo: IV. Vieni Imeneo, deh, vieni
2 Atto secondo: I Sinfonia – Ecco pur ch’à voi ritorno
3 Atto secondo: II. Mira ch’à sé alletta
4 Atto secondo: III. Ahi caso acerbo!
5 Atto secondo: V. Tu se’ morta
6 Atto secondo: VI. Ahi caso acerbo!
7 Atto terzo: I Simfonia – Scorto da te mio Nume
8 Atto terzo: IV. Possente spirto
9 Atto terzo: V. Ritornello – Orfeo son io
10 Atto terzo: VII. Sinfonia
11 Atto terzo: VIII. Sinfonia a 7
12 Atto terzo: IX. Sinfonia
13 Atto quarto: IV. Sinfonia a 7 – E la virtute e raggio
14 Atto quinto: I. Ritornello
15 Atto quinto: II Sinfonia
16 Atto quinto: IV. Vanne, orfeo felice a pieno

Muse: Montserrat Figueras, soprano. Euridice: Arianna Savall, soprano. Orfeo: Furio Zanasi, tenor. Bode: Sara Mingardo, alto. Hoop: Cécile van de Sant, mezzosoprano. Caronte: Antonio Abete, bass. Proserpina: Adriana Fernández, soprano. Plutone: Daniele Carnovich, bass. Apollo: Fulvio Bettini, bass. Other parts: Miguel Hernández, Marilia Vargas, Gerd Türk, Francesc Garrigosa, Carlo Mena, Ivan García, vocals. La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Continuo: Andrew Lawrence-King, double strung harp. Luca Gugliemi, harpsichord, chest organ, regal. Xavier Diaz-Latorre, theorbo, chitarrone. Le Concert des Nations conducted by Jordi Savall
(CD L’Orfeo, favola in musica in un prologo e cinque atti, Claudio Monteverdi. AVSA 9911, 2015)

Anthony Holborne (approx. 1545-1602)
17 Lullaby, galliard
Hespèrion XXI conducted by Jordi Savall
(CD Musica notturna, Invocation à la nuit, AV 9861 B, 2008)

Special thanks to Muziekweb, Rotterdam.

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