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Nuove Musiche

thu 27 may 2021 19:00 hrs

This hour features new, special CDs with early music. This time: “Biber – Requiem” by Vox Luminis and Freiburger Barockconsort, and “Johann George Pisendel – Neue Sonaten” by Scaramuccia.

Christoph Bernhard (1628-1692)
1. Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener
2. Tribularer si nescirem misericordias tuas
Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741)
3. Omnis terra adoret K 183

Vox Luminis en Freiburger Barockconsort conducted by Lionel Meunier
(CD Biber – Requiem, Alpha 665, 2021)

Johann Georg Pisendel (1688-1755)
4. Sonata in E minor for violin and continuo
– Largo
– Allegro
– Arioso
– Gigue
5. Sonata in A minor for violin and continuo
– Affettuoso
– Allegro
– Larghetto
– Gigue
Scaramuccia conducted by Javier Lupiáñez, violin
(CD Johann Georg Pisendel – Neue Sonaten, Snakewood SCD 202001, 2020)

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