Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 31 aug 2021 21:00 hrs
Composer: Marius Flothuis

Works by Marius Flothuis (1914-2001).


1. Symphonic Music, opus 59 (1957).
Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Eduard van Beinum.

2. String quartet, opus 44 (1951).
Raphael Kwartet.

3. Hymnus, opus 67 (1965).
Erna Spoorenberg, soprano. Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Bernard Haitink.

4. Sonata da camera for flute and harp, opus 42 (1951).
Eleonore Pameijer, flute. Erika Waardenberg, harp.

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