Wednesday evening 8th September between 20.00 and 22.000 ’s in Thema we’re going walkabout with Stijn Demeulenaere.
The Brussels-based composer and sound artist Stijn Demeulenaere belongs to the group of sound architects, who primarily focus on building sound sculptures. Sculptures, with ‘field recordings’ as sound source. These sculptures are then integrated into sound installations, performance art and/or soundscapes.
Stijn Demeulenaere concentrates in his compositions on mostly the personal, sociological context. Demeulenaere wants as a kind of questioner to confront the listener with a sound story as a mirror of their own identity and lens into the world about us. Through his work Demeulenaere wants to create a stimulus for the individual, subjective experience of reality.
We dive into a fascinating other world for 2 hours based on Demeulenaere’s self-chosen compositions and own explanations.
Click hier through to Thema on 8th September 20.00 to 22.00.
And read hier about Thema in our September 2021 Newsletter
You can find lots more information about sound and picture material on the website of Stijn Demeulenaere.