The Palace of Nostalgia | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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The Palace of Nostalgia

sat 6 nov 2021 20:00 hrs

Jazz, blues and nostalgia, by Sjaak Roodenburg.

Patsy Cline’s wisdom on breaking someone’s heart, boxing piano virtuoso Roger Williams, with ‘Autumn Leaves’ and extra attention for the great Hawaiian from Australia, Johnny Wade, whose oeuvre is such a beautiful blend of exotica and melancholy.

We also had a man who was called ‘the Bix Beiderbecke of modern jazz’, Tony Fruscella, who would have shown Chet Baker the way and who was an even cooler performer than the early Miles Davis. Where the others succeeded, he remained anonymous.

Then there is the ‘queen of musette’ Yvette Horner, who for years was connected to the Tour de France, where she rode around on the roof of a Citroën making music.

More from France: Charles Aznavour and Barbara

Also Madeleine Peyroux, whose voice so closely resembles that of Billie Holiday. Furthermore, the Ames Brothers, Esther Phillips, Paul Anka in the footsteps of Sinatra, country- & rockabilly-entertainer Eddie Bond (also famous for rejecting an auditioning Elvis).


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