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Concertzender Live

mon 28 feb 2022 20:00 hrs

Concerts from around the country, recorded by Concertzender

Live recordings with works by Alexander Levine and Sofia Goebajdoelina

Alexander Levine: The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.
Vocal Ensemble Coqu conducted by Patrick Pranger, and Jaber Fayad – Ud.

  1. Introduction and Great Litany, ud-improvisation no.1,  First antiphon,
  2. Hymn to the Lord, The Beatitudes, Improvisation on ud no.2, Song of introduction,
  3. Trisagion, Litany for the Baptismal Students, Improvisation on ud no.3,
  4. Hymn of the cherubs, Let us receive the King, Hymn of praise to the Lord, Improvisation on ud no.4, Our Father, Communion, Improvisation on ud no.5, Song of praise, Thanksgiving.

Recording 2-6-2019; Great Church, Wijk bij Duurstede; Recording technique: Wijnand de Groot


Sofia Goebajdoelina

  1. Silenzio, for bajan, violin and cello.
    Elsbeth Moser: bajan. Mark Lubotsky: violin. Olga Dovbush-Lubotsky: cello
  2. Repentance, for cello, 3 guitars and double bass.
    Olga Dovbush-Lubotsky: cello. Peter Constant, Marion Schaap, Annette Kruisbrink: guitar. Rob Dirksen: double bass

Recording 2-8-2010; Nieuwe kerk (New church), Groningen; Recording technique: Tom Dunnebier

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