A musical serial. Episode 294: Kolokol
Very slow landscapes of bells and choirs.
0. Sensenta Intro #2
1. The Penitential Station – The Power of the Soul and the Manner of Her Working
The Cloud of Forgetting, 2018, Other Forms of Consecrated Life
2. Hildegard von Bingen – Fragment uit de Dendermonde Codex
/ The Penitential Station – The Power of the Soul and the Manner of Her Working
Psallentes: Hours of Hildegard, First Hour / The Cloud of Forgetting, 2018, Other Forms of Consecrated Life
3. Hildegard von Bingen – Fragment uit de Dendermonde Codex / AU – Kolokol
Psallentes: Hours of Hildegard, First Hour / Kolokol, 2021, eigen beheer
4. AU – Kolokol
Kolokol, 2021, eigen beheer
5. AU – Kolokol / Hildegard von Bingen – Fragment uit de Dendermonde Codex
Kolokol, 2021, eigen beheer / Psallentes: Hours of Hildegard, First Hour