L’Esprit Baroque | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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L’Esprit Baroque

thu 28 jul 2022 20:00 hrs
Composer: Gottfried Finger

The baroque spirit in all his musical shapes.Today’s broadcast is entirely dedicated to Moravian composer Gottfried Finger.

Gottfried Finger (ca. 1660-1730)
1. Chaconne a 4 in G major
2. Sonata 9 in G minor
3. Chaconna a 5 in G major
The Harmonious Society of Tickle-Fiddle Gentlemen led by Robert Rawson
(CD: Gottfried Finger – Music for European Courts and Concerts. Ramée RAM 1802, 2019)

From: Sonatae pro diversis instrumentis, opus 1
4. Sonata no. 1 in D minor
5. Sonata no. 2 in F major
Ensemble Echo du Danube led by Christian Zincke, viola da gamba
(CD: Gottfried Finger – Sonatae pro diversis instrumentis op. 1. Accent ACC 24264, 2011)

6. Viola da gamba sonata no, 1 in D major
7. Divisions in G minor
Ensemble Tourbillon led by Petr Wagner, viola da gamba
(CD: Gottfried Finger – The complete music for viola da gamba solo. Accent ACC 24267, 2012)

8. Suite for oboe band in F major
– I Ouverture
– II Menuet
– III Rigaudon
– IV Air
– V Trompette
– VI Courante
– Passepied
– VII Intrada
– VIII Bourrée
– IX Passacaille
La Petite Écurie
(CD: The Queen’s Favourites – Music for oboe band at the court of Anne Stuart. Arcana A527, 2022)

9. From: Suite for recorder in D minor
– II A Farewell – IV A Ground

From: Airs Anglois book 2
10. A Ground in D minor
La Rêveuse led by Florence Bolton & Benjamin Perrot
(CD: London circa 1700 – Purcell & His Generation. Mirare MIR 368, 2019)


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