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thu 5 jan 2023 23:00 hrs

A meditation on contemporary music.

June 2022. With our new Volvo with almost four tons on the counter, we whiz through Norway at a leisurely pace. We come out of a tunnel and see a beautiful lake on the left of the road, surrounded by mountains. The water dark, unfathomable and smooth as a Mirror. Not a breath of wind. On the other side a village against the mountainside. Wooden houses. A hotel with a terrace on the water. Our route is straight ahead, but without words we turn left at the next opportunity. Cross the bridge. Into the village.

The wooden hotel is extremely attractive in Norwegian style. Checked windows, rough wooden floors with worn Persian carpets and shadows of guests: young people from all over the world. Unclear who is a guest and who is staff. Is there staff here? The friendly, informal atmosphere of a youth hostel, but with excellent coffee and the most beautiful salad I’ve ever eaten. We are the only ones on the terrace. An unforgettable view over that magical lake. We’re never leaving here.

Later, the magic broken by a group of young people that is just a little too noisy, we come back on our decision. When paying in the reception, my eye falls on a stack of CDs. Ashild Mundall. “She’s from here! From this village!” Ah yes. I want to believe it. In the car I slide ‘Hotell’ into the CD player. Very sweet and yet, so beautiful! When I try to take the CD out again later, it gets stuck in the CD player. They call this a ‘door malfunction’ at NS. It’s called “Error in deck” here.

Åshild Mundall is trapped between the inner and outer world for months. Until neighbor Jaap gives her back her freedom in December, with a plastic beer skimmer and more patience than I have.

Thanks to Jaap you can hear a song from this CD in this episode of Kairos. And thanks to that beautiful lake of course, and that wonderful hotel.




00:00 – 00:16 Kairos Tune by Wino Penris.

00:00 – 08:51 Sarah Davachi. Icon Studies I (excerpt). Album ‘Two Sisters’. V2 Records.

02:38 – 04:13 Gustaaf Hortense Ledoux. L’Oiseau Noir. Private recording.

05:09 – 08:24 Cato Farstad & Rune Lindbæk. Hamningberg. Pechenga. Album ‘Helt Borte’. Smalltown Supersound.

08:24 – 10:00 Gustaaf Hortense Ledoux. L’Oiseau Noir. Private recording.

08:51 – 15:15 Guido Morini. Vivifice Spiritus Vitae Vis, part XVI. Album ‘Vivifice Spiritus Vitae Vis’. Cypres Records.

14:48 – 17:07 Sunmoonstar. феба. Album ‘Картины’ (Paintings). ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ Records (Pantheon).

16:47 – 20:55 Squirrel Flower. Iowa 146. Album ‘Planet (i). Full Time Hobby.

20:38 – 24:49 Aino Peltomaa, Harmen Fraanje, Mikko Perkola. Unum. Album AER. Fuga Libera.

24:53 – 25:37 Jan Kleefstra. Untitled poem (in Dutch) from his book ‘Verlegen Land’. Aspect.

24:29 – 26:36 Nils Frahm. About Coming and Leaving. Single. Erased Tapes Records.

26:17 – 29:29 Nava. Mah. EP ‘Bloom’. Nava.

29:14 – 32:29 Philip G. Anderson. Questions. Album ‘Figment’. Self-released.

32:21 – 37:03 The World of Dust. Universe, 1979. Album ‘Gaman’. Tiny Room Records.

36:54 – 44:55 Matt Coldric. Navel Orange Purity. Album ‘Music* For A Busy Head’. Green Nuns Music.

40:53 – 42:28 Gustaaf Hortense Ledoux. L’Oiseau Noir. Private recording.

44:31 – 47:05 Åshild Mundall. Brevet. Album ‘Hotell’. ØRA phonogram.

46:38 – 47:32 Eli Keszler. The Letter. Album ‘The Scary Of Sixty-First – original soundtrack’. Fire Records.

47:05 – 54:59 Paul Haslinger. Alcina. Album ‘Exit Ghost’. Artificial Instinct.

53:45 – 56:31 Jaco Benckhuijsen. Volcano. Album ‘Man In The Wild’. Self-released.

56:12 – 59:57 Jonathan Scheerlink/Ries de Vuyst. Cutting Blind. Ries de Vuyst. Album ‘Oondert’. Self-released.

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