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Nuove Musiche

thu 14 mar 2024 19:00 hrs
Composer: Gennaro Manna

New CDs with Early Music. Focusing today on José Castel’s CD – String Trios from Concerto 1700.

José Castel (1737-1807)
1. Third String trio in E flat major
– Allegretto Gratioso
– Larghetto
– Allegro

2. Fourth String trio in G minor
– Allegretto Gratioso
– Andante Largo
– Rondeau (Allegretto)
– Menuetto (Andantino)

Concerto 1700: Daniel Pinteño and Fumiko Morie, violin. Ester Domingo, cello
(CD José Castel – String Trios, 1700 no. 170005)

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