An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 2 jul 2024 19:00 hrs

On ‘An Early Evening Stroll’ today the first episode in a series of specials about ‘Felix and the string quartet’. Super Wunderkind Felix Mendelssohn excelled in everything he tackled, including painting (see below). He was already as virtuoso on the piano as on the violin by age eleven. His violin teacher also showed him the ropes on the viola, so that he could be versatile when they played string quartet every week. And soon the boy started composing his own compositions for string quartet. We will hear his first steps on that slippery slope and by whom he was only too happy to be influenced.


Felix Mendelssohn: Finale from Violin sonata in F major(1820)

Antje Weithaas, violin

Silke Avenhaus, piano


Felix Mendelssohn: Fugue in F major for string quartet (1821)

Wu Quartet


Felix Mendelssohn: String quartet in E flat major (1823)

Benyounes Quartet


Felix Mendelssohn: parts I, II and III from String quartet in E flat major op. 12

Schumann Quartett


Felix Mendelssohn: Fugue in A major for string quartet

Wu Quartet

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