Componisten/uitvoerenden: blackhumour | Die Rache | If Bwana | Indian Rope Burn | John Hudak | M.A.P. | Minoy | Odal | Semantics Could Vanish | The Haters
Electronic Cottage #3. During the cassette-network-era in the eighties Harsh Reality Music was one of the most productive American labels. Based in Memphis, Tennessee, run by musician, composer and producer Chris Phinney. The cassette compilation Body Sounds, released in 1988, is one of those network monuments that was produced by Phinney. With a mixture of artists, active in the extreme experimental sound environment of the eighties, Body Sounds brings many highlights of ‘the reality in harsh music’.
Check out the Electronic Cottage website for the story and music of Chris Phinney, the label Harsh Reality and the cassette issue Body Sounds.
01. Minoy. Open Wide. 7:19.
02. Odal. Nobody. 7:14.
03. Die Rache. Nobody. 3:15.
04. If, Bwana. Body By Bwana. 4:08.
05. The Haters. Spanking. 7:58.
06. M.A.P.. Love Mr. Bunny. 4:30.
07. Indian Rope Burn. Flat Tire. 5:10.
08. blackhumour. ditditdah isophate. 11:22.
09. Semantics Could Vanish. Voweledge Accessory. 6:27.
10. John Hudak. Mouth. 2:50.