di 6 okt 2020 22:00 uur
Genre: Ambient
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Ancient Astronaut | Bedroom | Creation VI | Espen Berg | Guenter Schlienz | Pete Namlook | Pie Are Squared | SiJ | State Azure
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Ancient Astronaut | Bedroom | Creation VI | Espen Berg | Guenter Schlienz | Pete Namlook | Pie Are Squared | SiJ | State Azure
Een muzikaal vervolgverhaal. Aflevering 212: Away, World!
0. Sensenta Intro #4
1. Pete Namlook – Bedouin Love
Silence IV, 1999, Fax +49-69/450464
2. State Azure – The Stones Speak
Pictures from a Distant Time, 2020, eigen beheer
3. Bedroom – Reset Loop
A Thousand Harmonies in Silence, 2020, Past Inside The Present
4. Pie Are Squared – Away, World, Away!
Con Calma, 2020, WhiteLabRecs
5. Espen Berg Trio – Monolitt
Free To Play, 2019, Odin
6. Guenter Schlienz – Famous Last Words
Lissajous, 2019, Cosmic Winnetou
7. SiJ & Creation VI – Summer Evening
Tides of Breathing, 2020, ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ
8. Ancient Astronaut – Gwada
Through the Tunnel of Love, 2019, eigen beheer