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mon 4 mar 2024 03:00 hrs

Obscure rhythms.

Rhythm is the foundation of all music. Sound artists, musicians and composers are all fascinated by how rhythm works. Music to dance to or music to give the soul a big jumpstart. In this episode of Theme, we will give attention to inventive composers and sound artists who build their own percussion instruments or take a fresh look at obscure percussion instruments. We will give special attention to American percussionist and composer Fast Forward, who is turning 70 years old this year. In addition to being a virtuoso on the exotic steelpan, he also composes for his own spectacular percussion ensemble. We will also listen to music by German artist Stephan Froleyks, New-Zealand formation From Scratch and Dutch musician Rogier de Nijs, who brought out and album yesterday featuring homemade, plastic percussion instruments.


1. Fast Forward: ‘Rollerball’ (1988-1990), for steel pan, on Fast Forward – Panhandling. Fast Forward (steel pan). Lovely Music LCD 2091 CD

2. Fast Forward: ‘The Big Wind’ (1988-1990), for steel pan, on Fast Forward – Panhandling. Fast Forward (steel pan). Lovely Music LCD 2091 CD

3. Fast Forward: ‘Stix’ in three parts (1988-1990), for steel pan, on Fast Forward – Panhandling. Fast Forward (steel pan). Lovely Music LCD 2091 CD

4. Fast Forward: ’The Metal Section’ (1988), for percussion ensemble, on Fast Forward – The Caffeine Effect. Fast Forward Ensemble. Ear-Rational ECD 1001 CD

5. Stephan Froleyks: ‘Wood 1’ (1998), for bamboo logs, on Stephan Froleyks – Fine Music With New Instruments. Stephan Froleyks (percussion). Jazz Haus Musik JHM 94 CD

6. Stephan Froleyks: ‘Fünfzig Messer’ (1998), voor Messertisch (knife table), on Stephan Froleyks – Fine Music With New Instruments. Stephan Froleyks (percussion). Jazz Haus Musik JHM 94 CD

7. Stephan Froleyks: ‘Hout 2’ (1998), for bamboo logs, on Stephan Froleyks – Fine Music With New Instruments. Stephan Froleyks (percussion). Jazz Haus Musik JHM 94 CD

8. Rogier de Nijs: (pictured above) ‘Renewal of Hope’ (2023) for percussion ensemble, on Rogier de Nijs – Soundtrack of the Plastic Age. Rogier de Nijs Ensemble. RWA Music RWA Music 001 CD

9. Rogier de Nijs: ‘Lost in Excess’ (2023) for percussion ensemble, on Rogier de Nijs – Soundtrack of the Plastic Age. Rogier de Nijs Ensemble. RWA Music RWA Music 001 CD

10. Rogier de Nijs: ‘Deep Sea Moonscape’ (2023) for percussion ensemble, on Rogier de Nijs – Soundtrack of the Plastic Age. Rogier de Nijs Ensemble. RWA Music RWA Music 001 CD

11. Rogier de Nijs: ‘Quest For Perspective’ (2023) for percussion ensemble, on Rogier de Nijs – Soundtrack of the Plastic Age. Rogier de Nijs Ensemble. RWA Music RWA Music 001 CD

12. Rogier de Nijs: ‘Plastic Eruption’ (2023) for percussion ensemble, on Rogier de Nijs – Soundtrack of the Plastic Age. Rogier de Nijs Ensemble. RWA Music RWA Music 001 CD

13. From Scratch: ‘Pacific 3, 2, 1, Zero’ (Part 1) (1982) for percussion ensemble, on From Scratch – Pacific 3, 2, 1, Zero’. From Scratch (percussion ensemble). Kiwi Pacific Records SLC-236 CD

14. Fast Forward: ’The Dream State’ (1988), for percussion ensemble, on Fast Forward – The Caffeine Effect. Fast Forward Ensemble. Ear-Rational ECD 1001 CD

15. Fast Forward: ’Machine Guns’ (1988), for percussion ensemble, on Fast Forward – The Caffeine Effect. Fast Forward Ensemble. Ear-Rational ECD 1001 CD

16. Fast Forward: ’The Clincher 1’ (1988), for percussion ensemble, on Fast Forward – The Caffeine Effect. Fast Forward Ensemble. Ear-Rational ECD 1001 CD

17. Fast Forward: ’The Clincher 2’ (1988), for percussion ensemble, on Fast Forward – The Caffeine Effect. Fast Forward Ensemble. Ear-Rational ECD 1001 CD




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