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Roaming the Renaissance

Music from the 15th and 16th century. Our program today is dedicated to music for Lent, composed by Orlandus Lassus and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, respectively.

We will kick off with the third of the seven penitential psalms. In the Vulgate this is Psalm 37, and in protestant Bible translations this is Psalm 38. Lassus composed all seven of them as a musical cycle. The number of harmonies ranges between two and five. At the end, Lassus added a sixth.
We can’t be sure exactly of how these Psalms were performed in Lassus’ time at the court in Munich. This is why some recordings are a capella, and some are accompanied by musical instruments. The British ensemble Henry’s Eight opted to perform it a capella.

During the last 3 days of Holy Week – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday – the Lamentations of Jeremiah are traditionally sung, alternated with the Responsories. These Lamentations, in Latin ‘Lamentationes Jeremiae prophetae’, are sung during the first Nocturne, three a day. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina set all of them to music, four times.
The Laudantes Consort ensemble, conducted by Guy Janssens, recorded the complete third book. Please enjoy their rendition of the Lamentations for Good Friday.

Orlandus Lassus (1532-1594)
1. Tertius Psalmus Poenitentialis: Domine, ne in furore tuo
Henry’s Eight conducted by Jonathan Brown
(CD: “Penitential Psalms” – Hyperion CDD22056, 1998/2006)

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/26-1594)
2. Lamentationes Hieremiae: In Parasceve, Lectio I
3. Lamentationes Hieremiae: In Parasceve, Lectio II
4. Lamentationes Hieremiae: In Parasceve, Lectio III
Laudantes Consort conducted by Guy Janssens
(CD: “Lamentationes Hieremiae, Liber tertius” – Sonamusica SONA1311, 2013)

Giovanni Maria Trabaci (ca. 1575-1647)
5. Durezze et Ligature
Guy Bovet, organ
(CD: “L’orgue de Valère, vol. 1” – Gallo CD-0088, 1974/2008)


Pictured above: Orlandus Lassus

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