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mon 1 apr 2024 03:00 hrs
Composers: Lois V. Vierk | Peter Gena

Postminimal USA.

In the wake of original minimal music pioneers like Philip Glass and Steve Reich, a new American music movement emerged in the 1980s. Postminimalism merges the energy of minimalism with the stately structure of classical music. However, postminimalist composers also draw inspiration from folk, jazz, and world music. In this episode of Theme, we will explore the works of several well-known and lesser-known American composers of this movement. Much of the music performed is by one of the leading postminimalist ensembles, Relâche, featuring compositions by Mary Ellen Childs, Lois V Vierk, and Paul A. Epstein. Additionally, special attention is given to recently released works by composer Peter Gena, a former student of Morton Feldman.



1. Peter Gena: (pictured above) ‘Mother Jones’ (1983), for piano, Thomas Buckner – Full Spectrum Voice. Thomas Buckner (baritone) + Joseph Kubera (piano) Lovely Music LCD 3021 CD

2. Lois V Vierk: ‘Timberline’ (1991), for ensemble, Relâche – Outcome Inevitable. Ensemble Relâche. O O Discs 17 CD

3. Eleanor Hovda: ‘Borealis Music’ (1987), for ensemble, Relâche – Outcome Inevitable. Ensemble Relâche. O O Discs 17 CD

4. Mary Ellen Childs: ’Parterre’ (1988), for ensemble, Mary Ellen Childs – Kilter. Ensemble Relâche. XI Records XI 114 CD

5. Peter Gena: ‘John Henry’ (1986), for piano, Peter Gena – Beethoven in Soho and other works. Anthony de Mare (piano). New World Records 80841-2 CD

6. Peter Gena: ‘Beethoven in SoHo’ (1980), for two pianos + bass guitar, Peter Gena – Beethoven in Soho and other works. Joseph Kubera + Anthony de Mare (piano) + Gregory Chudzik (bass guitar). New World Records 80841-2 CD

7. Peter Gena: ‘For Morton Feldman’ (1988), for piano, Peter Gena – Beethoven in Soho and other works. Joseph Kubera (piano). New World Records 80841-2 CD

8-10. Paul A. Epstein: ‘Chamber Music: Three Songs From Home’ (1986), Relâche – On Edge. Barbara Noska (mezzo-soprano) + Ensemble Relâche. Mode Records Mode 22 CD

11. Thomas Albert: ‘A Maze (With Grace)’ (1975), Relâche – On Edge. Ensemble Relâche. Mode Records Mode 22 CD


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