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Bach Ad Infinitum

fri 31 may 2024 13:00 hrs

Episode 1285. Part 2 of Messe h-Moll, BWV 232 by the J.S. Bach-Stiftung conducted by Rudolf Lutz.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
1. Messe h-Moll, BWV 232 (Hohe Messe), deel 2:
– XIII. Credo “Credo in unum Deum” (Chor)
– XIV. Credo “Patrem omnipotentem” (Chor)
– XV. Credo “Et in unum Dominum” (Duett Sopran, Alt)
– XVI. Credo “Et incarnatus est” (Chor)
– XVII. Credo “Crucifixus” (Chor)
– XVIII. Credo “Et resurrexit” (Chor)
– XIX. Credo “Et in Spiritum Sanctum” (Bass)
– XX. Credo “Confiteor” (Chor)
– XXI. Credo “Et expecto” (Chor)
– XXII. Sanctus “Sanctus” (Chor)
– XXIII. Sanctus “Pleni sunt coeli” (Chor)
– XXIV. Osanna in excelsis (Chor)
– XXV. Benedictus (Tenor)
– XXVI. Osanna repetatur (Chor)
– XXVII. Agnus Dei (Alt)
– XXVIII. Dona nobis pacem (Chor)
Julia Doyle, soprano. Alex Potter, alto. Daniel Johannsen, tenor. Klaus Mertens, bass. Choir and orchestra of the J.S. Bach-Stiftung conducted by Rudolf Lutz

Read more about the Hohe Messe BWV 232 here.

2. from Orgelbüchlein, BWV 599-644:
– Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 610 (arr. F. Thomas)
Fred Thomas, piano. Aisha Orazbayeva, violin. Lucy Railton, cello

3. from Oster-Oratorium “Kommt, eilet und laufet, ihr flüchtigen Füße” BWV 249:
– Aria “Sanfte soll mein Todeskummer” (Tenor)
Nicholas Mulroy, tenor. English Baroque Soloists conducted by John Eliot Gardiner

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