vr 4 sep 2015 18:00 uur
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Erich Wolfgang Korngold | George Antheil | Michael Tilson Thomas | Steve Reich
AMERICAN HIGHWAYS: When Europe came to Hollywood.
Themamuziek: Steve Reich. The Desert Music (1984) First Movement (Fast).
Chorus of the Brooklyn Philharmonic, Members of the Brooklyn Philharmonic, Michael Tilson Thomas & William Carlos Williams.
Nonesuch Records 79101.
1. Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Celloconcert, Op. 37
BBC Philharmonic Orchestra; Peter Dixon, cello; olv Matthias Bamert.
Chandos 10433 (1996)
2. George Antheil. Sonata No. 4 (1948) a. Allegro Giocoso (5:13) b. Andante (5:41) c. Vivo (3:39)
Guy Livingston, pianist.
Wergo 6661-25.
3. Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Pianoconcert voor de linkerhand in cis mineur, Op. 17
BBC Philharmonic Orchestra; Howard Shelley, piano; olv Matthias Bamert. C
Chandos 10433 (1996)