An Early Evening Stroll | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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An Early Evening Stroll

tue 28 jan 2025 19:00 hrs


The theme of this Early Evening’s Stroll is Norwegian composers. We will wander from the 19th century into the 20th century, going from almost-forgotten-composers to ending the episode with an old friend.


  1. Borghild Holmsen, I de forunderlig blonde nætter (in the marvellous blond nights), opus 14, no.1 and Der Staar en Sorg (There is a sadness) opus 14, nr. 3
    Bettina Smith, mezzo-soprano, Jan Willem Nelleke, piano.
  2. Agathe Backer Grøndahl, Norske folkeviser og folkedanse, op.30 / op. 33, no.1-11
    no. 1  Brudeslaat (Bachelor party)
    no. 3  Laat i fjellet (Late in the mountains)
    no. 5  Springdans (Jumping dance)
    no. 6  Springdans (Jumping dance)
    no. 8  Bruralaat (Wedding march)
    no. 9  Springdans (Jumping dance)
    no.10 Kivlemöyerne (The girls from Kivledal) 
    no.11 Fanitull (Devil’s dance)
    Sara Aimée Smiseth, piano. 
  3. Anne-Marie Orbeck, Pastoral and Allegro
    Per Øien, flute, Norwegian Chamber orchestra, conducted by Terje Tønnesen.
  4. Carl Gustav Sparre Olsen, Serenade for flute and string orchestra, opus 45
    Per Øien, flute, Norwegian Chamber orchestra, conducted by Terje Tønnesen.

  5. Edvard Grieg, Sonata for violin and piano no.2, op.13 in G major
    Pierre Amoyal, violin, Frederic Chiu, piano.
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