The theme of this Early Evening’s Stroll is Norwegian composers. We will wander from the 19th century into the 20th century, going from almost-forgotten-composers to ending the episode with an old friend.
- Borghild Holmsen, I de forunderlig blonde nætter (in the marvellous blond nights), opus 14, no.1 and Der Staar en Sorg (There is a sadness) opus 14, nr. 3
Bettina Smith, mezzo-soprano, Jan Willem Nelleke, piano. - Agathe Backer Grøndahl, Norske folkeviser og folkedanse, op.30 / op. 33, no.1-11
no. 1 Brudeslaat (Bachelor party)
no. 3 Laat i fjellet (Late in the mountains)
no. 5 Springdans (Jumping dance)
no. 6 Springdans (Jumping dance)
no. 8 Bruralaat (Wedding march)
no. 9 Springdans (Jumping dance)
no.10 Kivlemöyerne (The girls from Kivledal)
no.11 Fanitull (Devil’s dance)
Sara Aimée Smiseth, piano. - Anne-Marie Orbeck, Pastoral and Allegro
Per Øien, flute, Norwegian Chamber orchestra, conducted by Terje Tønnesen. - Carl Gustav Sparre Olsen, Serenade for flute and string orchestra, opus 45
Per Øien, flute, Norwegian Chamber orchestra, conducted by Terje Tønnesen.
- Edvard Grieg, Sonata for violin and piano no.2, op.13 in G major
Pierre Amoyal, violin, Frederic Chiu, piano.