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Behind the Dikes

sat 6 apr 2024 20:00 hrs

Dutch jazz

Saxophonist and Clarinettist Bob Kaper was born in Zaandam on 19 June 1939. He is primarily associated with the Dutch Swing College Band (DSC), one of the oldest and most famous jazz orchestras of the Netherlands. His professional career started in 1955, when he started touring with the New Orleans Syncopaters. At the end of 1957 he founded The Beale Street Seven. In 1966, Bob joined the DSC, initially as a substitute for Peter Schilperoort, who was ill, but he soon became the permanent clarinetist. In 2020, the band celebrated its 75th anniversary, but due to the global outbreak of COVID, the jubilee year unfolds differently than planned. The eighty-year-old Bob Kaper decides not to wait for the postponed anniversary concert and opts to leave the band. However, he continued to be part of the Flashback Quartet, which he founded in the 1970s. In 1999, Bob was honoured as a Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau for his contributions to Dutch jazz music.



My Gal Sal                                         Flashback Quartet (1975)

Moonglow                                           Flashback Quartet (1975)

Don’t Be That Way                             Flashback Quartet (1975)

On The Sunny Side Of The Street     Flashback Quartet (1981)

Stealin’ Apples                                   Flashback Quartet (1981)

Panama                                              Dutch Swing College Band (2006)

Swing That Music                              Dutch Swing College Band (2006)

Opus                                                  Dutch Swing College Band (2011)

Alto Vocation                                     Dutch Swing College Band (2011)

Fidgety Feet                                      Dutch Swing College Band (2011)

It’s Alright With Me                             Dutch Swing College Band (2014)

Blue Skies                                          Dutch Swing College Band (2014)

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