Chronicle of Dutch Music | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Chronicle of Dutch Music

tue 28 jun 2022 21:00 hrs

Music by Dutch composers or performers. Jacob van Domselaer (1890-1960): part II.

On the previous instalment, you were introduced to Domselaer’s Experiments in Artistic Style. These nine works were Van Domselaer’s contribution to the ideology of Mondriaan and ‘De Stijl’. Today you will be hearing the second piano concerto, which takes a much more romantic course in terms of personal expression, followed by the first symphony, which in turn is somewhat stricter and more measured. We conclude our programme with Domselaer’s 7th Proof of Style.


Jacob van Domselaer (1890-1960) [pictured left].

1. Piano concerto no. 2 (1926).
Kees Wieringa, piano [featured image].
North Netherlands Symphony Orchestra led by Alexander Vedernikov.

2. Symphony no. 1 (1921).
North Netherlands Symphony Orchestra led by Alexander Vedernikov.

3. Experiments in Artistic Style no. 7.
Kees Wieringa, piano.




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