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Concertzender Live

mon 20 jan 2020 20:00 hrs

South #28.
This is the 28th episode of many broadcasts with concerts recorded on stages in the south of the Netherlands and today you can listen to two concerts from the hall ‘Het Cenakel’ in Tilburg. The first concert is a performance by Quatuor Bozzini, recorded on 19 November 2019 followed by the, by now, legendary concert of Vicky Chow on 3 December 2019.

   Quatuor Bozzini.

1.  Naomi Pinnock. String Quartet No. 2 (2011-12). 12:14
2. Cassandra Miller. About Bach (2015). 25:38
Quatuor Bozzini: Clemens Merkel, Allissa Cheung: violin. Stéphanie Bozzini: viola. Isabelle Bozzini: cello.
Recorded on 19 November 2019 by Kees van de Wiel at ‘De Link’ in Het Cenakel in Tilburg.

   Vicky Chow,

1.  Fjóla Evans. Mammal (2016). 14:31
Vicky Chow: prepared piano.
2. David Lang. Beach (1992). 8:24
3. Julia Wolfe. Compassion (2001) 7:08
Vicky Chow: piano.
4. Andy Akiho. Vick(i/y) (2008). 14:30
Vicky Chow: prepared piano.
5. Caroline Shaw. Gustave Le Gray) (2014). 10:39
6. Michael Gordon. Sonatra (2004). 15:18
Vicky Chow: piano.
Recorded on 3 December 2019 by Kees van de Wiel at ‘De Link’ in Het Cenakel in Tilburg.

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