In this period around Christmas 2022, Concertzender Live is in heavenly Christmas spheres. First, the Christmas concert “Christmette” by Margaretha Consort can be heard, followed by a harp performance by the well-known baroque harpist Mara Galassi.
A) ‘Christmette’ – Margaretha Consort
In December 2017, the Dutch Margaretha Consort, conducted by Marit Broekroelofs, performed an atmospheric Christmas concert: ‘Christmette’. This concert features 17th-century music by Michael Praetorius, which he wrote to texts by Martin Luther.
The concert follows the liturgy for the Christmas Eve service.
1. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) – Praeludium
2. Michael Praetorius (c.1571-1621) – Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
3. Gregorian chant – Epistle
4. Anonymous – Veni veni Emanuel
5. Michael Praetorius – Puer natus est
6. Traditional – Maria durch ein Dornwald ging
7. Michael Praetorius – Quem Pastores
8. Gregorian – Evangelium
8. Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) – O Jesu, nomen dulce
10. Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612) – Vater unser
11. Michael Praetorius – Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
12. Johann Hermann Schein (1586-1630) – Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
13. Nikolaus Herman (ca.1500-1561) – Lobt Gott ihr Christen alle gleich
14. Alberik Mazak (1609-1661) – Nobellissime Jesu
15. Heinrich Scheidemann (ca.1596-1663) – Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her
16. Michael Praetorius – Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
17. Heinrich Schütz – Heute ist Christ der Heer geboren
18. Michael Praetorius – In dolci jubilo
19. Johann Crüger (1598-1662) – Nun danket alle Gott
Marjon Strijk, Margreet Rietveld, Klaartje van Veldhoven, Françoise Kably, soprano. Helena Poczykowska, Tim Braithwaite, alto. Kevin Skelton, Carlos Monteiro, tenor. Geert Rolfes, Clemens Broekroelofs, bass. Margaretha Consort conducted by Marit Broekroelofs, viola da gamba
Recording: December 7, 2017, Old Helena Church, Aalten
Sound engineering and production: Wijnand de Groot
B) ‘Dentice, Trabaci, Mayone & De Macque: The harp in Naples’ – Mara Galassi, harp

Mara Galassi
During the 2019 Early Music Festival in Utrecht, harpist Mara Galassi played music from 17th-century Naples by famous harpists and lutenists such as Ascano Mayone or Fabrizio Entice.
20. Fabrizio Entice (17th century) – Fantasia (from: Siena Lute Book, Ms. 28B39)
21. Fabrizio Entice – Gagliarda bella (from: Siena Lute Book, Ms. 28B39)
22. Antonio Valente (ca.1520-ca.1600) – Il ballo dell’intorcia (from: Intavolatura de’ cimbalo, Naples 1576)
23. Anonymous – Fantasia
24. Anonymous – Se la dura durezza, passeggiato alla napoletana
25. Ascanio Mayone (1570?-1627) – Toccata Terza
26. Anonymous – Galliarde
27. Giovanni de Macque (1548/1550-1614) – Capriccetto
28. Ascanio Mayone – Toccata IV
29. Giovanni Maria Trabaci (ca.1575-1647) – Partite artificiose sopra il Tenor di Zefiro
30. Giovanni Maria Trabaci – Ancidetemi pur per l’Arpa
Mara Galassi, harp (copy after the ‘Barberini harp’ from c. 1615)
Recording: August 30, 2019, Lutheran Church in Utrecht
Sound engineer: Theo van Soest, production: Wijnand de Groot