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Contemporary Music

sun 25 jan 2015 17:00 hrs
Composer: Thelonious Monk

Since August 2014, every month, the Concertzender has been broadcasting an episode of the new series of programmes, in which the new generation of Dutch composers are highlighted. Who influences who? What are important musical inspirations? And what motivates them? The music of this sixth episode has been compiled by the originally Slovenian composer and jazz pianist Kaja Draksler.

Each month, we will be broadcasting new works of them, but we also ask them for one main work, which is dear to them or has played an important role in their development. We also ask them to let us hear a work of a colleague for the next programme in these series. In this way, automatically, a new boost of Dutch music comes to life.1. Thelonious Monk. Crepuscule with Nellie 
Thelonious Monk, piano; Charlie Rouse, tenor-sax; John Ore, bas and Frankie Dunlop, drums.
Columbia 1963
2. Kaja Draksler.
Kaja Draksler, piano.
Onno Govaert, drums.
Own recording
3. Cecil Taylor. 
Cecil Taylor, piano. 
Jimmy Lyons, alt-sax.
Archie Sepp, tenor-sax. 
Henry Grimes, bas.
Sunny Murray, drums. 
Impulse 1961
4. Kaja Draksler. 
Juzni Otok (2011). 
BadBooshBand ZKP2014 
Kaja Draksler, piano.           Kaja Draksler.
Mattia Magatelli, contrabass. picture: Thanasis 
Luca Marini, drums.                     Deligiannis

5. Doide Mi Obed Pladnina. (trad. Bulgarije) 
Vocal traditions of Bulgaria Saydisc 1995
6. Mátyás Wettl. É (2011).
tape, unreleased
7. Matiss Čudars. Dream of a Greedy Clown, 2013. unreleased
Erik Kimestad Pedersen, trumpet; Charley Rose, saxophoon; Matiss Čudars, guitar; Lennart Heyndels, contrabas; Ivars Arutyunyan, drums.
7. Kaja Draksler. The Lives of Many Others, 2013. "The Lives of Many Others"
Kaja Draksler, piano.
8. Steve Lehman. Echoes, 2009 on "Travail, Transformation, and Flow" by Steve Lehman Octet. Pi Recordings, 2009
Jonathan Finlayson, trumpet; Steve Lehman, saxophoon; Mark Shim, saxophoon; Tim Albright, trombone; Jose Davila, tuba; Chris Dingman, vibraphone; Drew Gress, contrabas; Tyshawn Sorey, drums 

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