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Contemporary music

Contemporary music records the current generation composers working in the Netherlands in a monthly episode. This way a canon of new Dutch music automatically exists. Today Janco Verduin (1972) is at the centre.

Initially Verduin studied Industrial product design and Music technology to finally find his place and to study composition at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. Here he studied with Louis Andriessen, Martijn Padding, Gilius van Bergeijk and Richard Ayres.
His work was performed by Ensemble Modelo62, Nieuw Amsterdams Peil, Orkest de Ereprijs, Spectra Ensemble, Nieuw ensemble, Cantus Ansambl and the Dutch National Student Orchestra among others.
Performances took place both in the Netherlands as abroad at festivals such as Gaudeamus Muziekweek, the Jordens viooldagen and November Music.

  1. Janco Verduin. Kaleidophonia II.
    Ensemble Nieuw Amsterdams Peil. 22’57
  2. Morton Feldman. Neither (partly).
    Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen
    Rundfunks conducted by Kwamé Ryan. Petra Hoffmann,  soprano. 8’14"
    Col Legno Musikproduktion
  3. Janco Verduin. Jupiter’s pimple.
    David Kweksilber Bigband conducted by Werner
    Herbers. 13’01”
    Live recording by the Bimhuis
  4. Reza Namavar. Aria variatio A.
    Dutch wind players ensemble. 4’54” 

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